Taking Your Organization’s Temperature: 4 Tips to Foster a Positive Employee Experience
Has your organization checked its temperature lately? This test is quick and painless and alerts you to potential employee experience problems. You can quickly check your organization’s temperature by answering the following questions:
By answering yes to any of those question, it could indicate that some of your employees are starting to feel burned out. While there’s not a magic cure-all, recognizing the early signs can help you stay ahead of it.
Burnout is now considered an occupational phenomenon by the World Health Organization. Mental Health America reported that 75% of people have experienced burnout at work, with 40% asserting the COVID-19 pandemic has been a contributing factor. Burnout could be the answer as to why your high performing employees are just not themselves. Not surprising, the physical and mental inertia of many employees has shifted throughout the last year. Causes such as unexpected family stressors, work from home challenges and increased work demands all contribute to an employee’s inability to feel and/or be as productive as normal. In studying the root causes of burnout, employee survey feedback from Gallup uncovered five main contributors:
- Imbalanced treatment at work
- Increased workload
- Lack of role clarity
- Decreased communication and support from a supervisor
- Unrealistic deadlines and time demands
Strategies to Avoid Burnout
What does this list tell us? Burnout is not only an employee-specific issue but should be treated as an organizational concern. Well-meaning leaders often unconsciously apply quick fix solutions rather than directly addressing the underlying challenges. This can result in detrimental consequences for the organization such as high job dissatisfaction and increased employee turnover. While there is no monolithic solution to mitigate all of the complexities associated with burnout, here are four strategies organizations can use to rise above it: